In December I was accepted to a ‘call for creative entrepreneurs’ supported by Magallanes_CC, ArteriaLab and a network of creative spaces in rural Alentejo. The final presentation will be in March/April 2022 with a collection of sweaters that highlight the importance of maintaining a relationship between artist, material and community. Resulting in customised clothing on demand, avoiding waste and bringing about social improvements through the process

L O M I A csc

Lomia is the name of an asteroid in the sky - representing the invisible connections we live with.

csc stands for ‘community supported clothing’ taken as an example of a business model that furthers the connection between artist, material and community.

getting into wool dyeing.with seasonal plants  - Alentejo Portugal

getting into wool dyeing.with seasonal plants - Alentejo Portugal

a ‘domestic’ knitting machine

a ‘domestic’ knitting machine

My project was matched with the association CACO, who represents various artisan in the province of Odemira. With them I will be learning about textile dyeing and basket weaving which will be integrated in the collection of sweaters I am working on.
